Branding Questionnaire

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Dictumst quisque sagittis purus sit amet volutpat. Neque convallis a cras semper auctor neque vitae tempus quam. At erat pellentesque adipiscing commodo elit at imperdiet dui. Vel quam elementum pulvinar etiam non quam. Nunc aliquet bibendum enim facilisis gravida neque convallis a cras. Luctus venenatis lectus magna fringilla urna porttitor.

Brand Questionnaire Progress

Section 1 - Brand Foundations
1. Do you have a finalized brand name?
2. Do you have a mission statement?
3. What is the story behind your business? What is your "Why"?
4. What products or services do you provide?
5. You and your ideal client are in an elevator, and you have 1 minute to pitch them your business. What would you say?
6. Where do you see your business in 3 years from now?
7. What DO YOU like about your current brand identity?
8. What DON'T YOU like about your current brand identity?
9. Five words that represent your brand.
Seperate each word with a comma - ","
10. Are there any particular adjectives you would like people to associate your brand with?
Seperate each adjective with a comma - ","
11. Are there any particular adjectives you would NOT like people to associate your brand with?
Seperate each adjective with a comma - ","
12. Three messages your brand needs to communicate.
Seperate each message with a comma - ","
Section 2 - Target Audience
1. What type of customers have you sold to today? How are they finding you? (e.g., Store, Website, Social Media, Ratings and Reviews, Advertising, Emails, Events)
Feel free to explain in detail
2. Tell us about your ideal client (Age, Generation, Occupation, Location, Marital Status, Level of Education)
Feel free to explain in detail
3. What are their goals dreams and aspirations?
Feel free to explain in detail
4. What do they value?
Feel free to explain in detail
5. What are your ideal customers biggest pain points?
Feel free to explain in detail
6. How do they make their buying decisions? (who approves, what type of information do they look for?)
Feel free to explain in detail
7. Are there any audiences you aren't currently reaching that you want to reach with your brand?
Feel free to explain in detail
8. How are you currently advertising to your ideal customer?
Feel free to explain in detail
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Section 3 - Your Competition
1. Who are your main competitors? (if they have websites include their URLs)
Separate multiple enteries with a comma - ","
2. What sets your business apart from the competition? Why should your target audience choose your product or service above your competitors?
Separate multiple enteries with a comma - ","
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Section 4 - Brand Attributes
1. What are some brands you look up to?
Separate multiple enteries with a comma - ","
2. What do like about each one of them?
Separate multiple enteries with a comma - ","
3. How does your brand image fall between these opposing characteristics?
4. What colours represent your brand?
Separate multiple enteries with a comma - ","
5. What colours would you NOT like to see represent your brand?
Separate multiple enteries with a comma - ","
6. What words would you use to describe your desired brand's image?
Separate multiple enteries with a comma - ","
7. What words would you NOT want used to describe your brand's image?
Separate multiple enteries with a comma - ","
8. What attributes and/or emotions would you want to be associated with?
Separate multiple enteries with a comma - ","
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Section 5 - Abstract Values (Brand Personality)
1. How would you describe your brand to a friend?
Feel free to explain in detail
2. How would you describe its style?
Feel free to explain in detail
3. What other brands would be its friends?
Feel free to explain in detail
4. Where would your brand hang out?
Feel free to explain in detail
5. Age range?
Feel free to explain in detail
6. What kind of car would your brand be?
Feel free to explain in detail
7. What animal would represent your brand?
Feel free to explain in detail
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Section 6 - Design
1. Do you already have a logo?
2. How does your current logo communicate your brand?
Feel free to explain in detail
3. Do you want your logo to include text only, text and an icon or graphic, or pictorial mark?
Feel free to explain in detail
4. What existing logos do you admire?
Feel free to explain in detail
Logo - Which one of these logo formats do you believe would best represent your brand? | Please select best two.
  • Sample
  • Sample
  • Sample
  • Sample
  • Sample
  • Sample
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  • This is a sample text
  • This is a sample text
  • Please upload any supporting files you wish to share with us (accepted files - .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xlsx, .jpg, .png | file size: 10mb max)