Darrio Dean

Marketing is no longer about the stuff you make, but the stories you tell” – Seth Godin

Some things you may not know about Darrio

  • Darrio grew up in Nassau, Bahamas, and lived in Tennessee for a year before moving to Canada.
  • He played college basketball but believes that if he played tennis, he would have won a Wimbledon.
  • His dream job is to be a DJ. That boat has sailed, so he settles for controlling the music on every car ride.

How Darrio strikes the balance between brilliance and function.

Just like most kids, Darrio was convinced he would have a career in about 10 different fields before landing on Marketing. Originally, he wanted to be a veterinarian. Next, a journalist. Then a DJ, NBA player, and lawyer. He landed on marketing as he always had a passion for business and creativity, and believes that marketing is the only business function that can single-handedly help to exponentially grow a business with minimal resources.

Darrio started off as a Marketing Communications major at Knoxville College in Tennessee, transferred to Crandall University in Moncton, New Brunswick, and finished off at NAIT in Edmonton, Alberta.

As he started his career, he touched many different roles within and associated with marketing before narrowing in. He has worked within digital transformations, print marketing and sales, and has now narrowed in as a digital marketer helping brands grow through his skills within copywriting, email marketing, and social media.

Today at Sensible Marketer, Darrio utilizes his skills and abilities to create engaging website copy, social media strategies, digital advertising campaigns, and more. Working with strategists, developers, and designers, Darrio helps to bring clients’ visions to life, targeting their ideal customer every step of the way.